The Ant and the Raven
The Bible is full of apparent discrepancies. This is not to imply that the Bible contains contradictions, but only that God has designed His Word in such a manner that we can't run very far after one truth without being pulled back by another.
For example, the Bible teaches us to work hard and plan ahead. Those who work hard enjoy profit and those who are lazy meet with poverty (Proverbs 12:24, 14:23). Solomon challenged us, “Consider the ways of the ant, and be wise. She prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest” (Proverbs 6:6, 8).
Now consider Jesus’ admonition to his disciples in Luke twelve: "Do not worry about what to eat or drink." He asks us to consider not the ant but the raven, who “neither sows nor reaps, has neither storehouse nor barn.”
So how are we to be like the ant (work hard, think about the future, store up food) and like the raven (don’t think about the future or store up food)? The answer lies in a word Jesus repeated five times in Luke 12: Worry. The Bible clearly teaches us to work hard and plan for the future, but we're also warned not to worry about our future. Worry indicates a fundamental lack of trust in God. Jesus was not teaching not to plan, but rather as we work and plan (like the ant), we must remember (like the raven) that it is our Father who blesses us with profit and food. We may be laboring, but God is providing.
In this matter of work vs. worry, it’s easy to fall into one of two doctrinal errors. We can easily find ourselves in the ditch on either side of the road. On one hand, we might say, “Look to the ant. Work hard and provide for yourself. It’s up to you!” But on the other hand, we may conclude that we should “Look to the raven. God will provide. Don’t worry or plan.” Here’s the reality though: God calls us to consider the ant and the raven. Both creatures provide Biblical insights and both should be considered carefully. So work, but don't worry. And remember: As you toil, as you plan, know that it is your Father who blesses your efforts and provides you with everything that you need.
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