Come to Jesus
“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem…” Matthew 2:1
Everyone knows the Christmas story, but for a lot of people Jesus is frozen in time as a cute little baby in a manger. "Come let us adore him," yes, but for many this isn't a picture of worshiping King Jesus as much as fawning over an infant. We're happy reciting the story, feeling the feelings, and singing the carols, and there's a great climax leading up to December 25th, but the experience quickly fizzles with the arrival of a new year. For the wise men though, the real significance of Jesus didn't end with his birth - it began there!
"Wise men from the east came.” You may not see the Christmas story as relevant for you, but these men were as far from Judaism as you could get. They were from a foreign land with foreign gods. They had their own ideas about religion and were arguably the last people who should care about a Jewish King. But God proved in their coming that salvation is for all people... He has no favorites! So whether you're a drug addict, divorce survivor, or poverty-stricken single mother, you may be tempted to think that God has passed you over, but Jesus’ very name means "God saves." He is in the business of redeeming and restoring, so if you feel a need for deliverance, rescue, hope – then you’re a prime candidate for the grace and mercy of God.
Finally, notice that the wise men came. They had studied the skies, heard about a star, talked extensively about it with each other, but there came a day when their suspicions were confirmed. At this point, they packed up and set out for a foreign land in search of a mysterious King. They left their comfortable existence 500 miles behind and came to Jesus. You may have attended church 1,000 times and donated $10,000 to charity, but it all amounts to ZERO if never come to Jesus. You may be comfortable with an infant in a manger who will leave you alone, but Jesus grew up! Today, he's the King of Kings who sits on his throne, defends his honor, invades hearts and minds to establish his reign.
In the past, you may have experienced Christmas vicariously through your church, your pastor, your Christmas carols or your family members, but God is calling you into the Christmas story to experience Christ for yourself. So let Jesus live in you. Don't push him away. His reign is gracious and his kingdom is glorious. You won't be disappointed.
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