Slow Down and Chew
"Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart." Jeremiah 15:16
For all the backpacking I've done, there's been one common thread: Besides sore feet and a sweaty back, I always daydream about a juicy burger on the way down the hill. I usually bring it up with my buddies, eliciting only heavy sighs and victimized glares, like I'm torturing them with my words.
God's words are to the human soul what a burger is to my mouth (and better for you!). David writes, "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Ps 119:103) Jeremiah found God's words, he ate them, and they became to him a joy and the delight of his heart. That is, he was nourished by them. Isn't this what we want? It's why we get up every day to have a "quiet time" with the Lord - not just to read the Bible or check off our daily reading, but to feast on the goodness of God and be deeply satisfied by His truth. It's a desire that's in every one of us. As Saint Augustine wrote, "You have made us for yourself, Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you." When we read our Bibles, I fear that we too often stop just short of that 'rest'. Satisfaction eludes us and we don't know why.
Part of our problem could be that we're trying to read too much, too fast. Whenever I try to "get through" a book, I don't comprehend or retain very much because I'm not taking the time to reflect. Doctors say we should chew our food 35 times, but who does that?! Most people's goal is to get the food into their stomachs as quickly as possible so they can get on with their day, not get the maximum amount of nourishment from their food. Could it be that we often approach Bible reading the same way?
I have a lovely plant in my office, and frankly, I'm surprised it's still alive because I never water it. It goes weeks without water, and when I do water it, it all comes running out the bottom. What's happening is that I'm giving the plant more water than it can absorb. When it comes to drinking water, I've always been a "gulper." I see guys like Teri Baldwin, quietly sipping from their Aquafina bottles, and I feel superior for my ability to chug. But the only area where I'm superior to Teri Baldwin is in taking more trips to the restroom! I'm actually drinking more water than my body can use. What guys like Teri know is that it's better to drink a little water frequently than a lot of water only occasionally.
Little bites, lots of chewing, small sips. The point I'm trying to make is that our souls need just as much time to absorb as our bodies. If we would just slow down and let the truth of God's word saturate our hearts and minds, I believe that we might enter a new and exciting season of growth, where God's words would truly become to us a joy and the delight of our heart.